MOOCs – Massive Open Online Course

For low cost or free courses for skill development What is MOOCs learning? MOOC stands for – Massive Open Online Course

• Massive – In terms of content availability and reach. There are time when classes may reach upto 1 lakh plus students.

• Open- Registration is open anyone around the world, which means anyone can take these courses.

• Online- The course material is available Online only ie the lecture videos etc, has to be viewed online.

• Course – The learning is very similar to like any other Institutional Learning, but they don’t for certificates since most of them are free. But optionally once can pay for certification exams.

MOOCs of Indian Origin


Global MOOCs – Commercial, some of these subscription based and some charge for Certifications.
Global MOOCs – Non-Profit MOOCs give free access to course content but some charge for Certifications.

MOOC learning – Advantages and DisAdvantages Advantages

• You get to learn from instructors from top universities around the world. Imagine learning from an IIT, IIMB, MIT or Harvard instructor at the comfort of your home.

• You can post your queries at forums and connect with peers.

• Learn at your own pace. You might be pursuing your degree or currently on a job. Just go through the video lectures at weekends.

• Its FREE and without any restrictions of age or qualification( though some basic prerequisite knowledge in the field of study are needed for certain courses)


• You are learning at your own pace. There is no compulsion to learn making it easy to put off(especially by procrastinators like me).

• You don’t earn a degree though certain colleges are now offering credits for courses completed using MOOCs)

Websites to Check

• Doubtnet
• Masai School
• Relevel by Unacademy

By Ram Prasanna Kharvi

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